Active Military & Veterans

We are here to serve those who serve or have served.




There are a variety of options available for honoring veterans who pass away.

A Military Funeral Honors (MFH) ceremony is the standard service available for all eligible veterans.

To establish Eligibility for burial in a VA national cemetery visit this page.

To establish egilibity for burial in Arlington National Cemetery visit this page.

To find out how to apply for a Veterans burial allowance and see if you qualify visit this page.

To find out how to apply for a Veterans burial allowance and see if you qualify visit this page.

For more informaiton on Burial in a private cemeteryvisit this page.

Military Funeral Honors

The ceremony involves the folding and presentation of the United States flag to the family of the veteran and playing of Taps. There will be at least two members of the military present, including at least one representative from the branch of the Armed Forces in which the deceased veteran served. The deceased veteran’s status may determine the level of honors rendered, ranging from the standard MFH, a 7 Person Detail, or Full Military Honors. The playing of Taps may be recorded or played by a live bugler if one is available at the time of the service. The family may also request to have the military representatives serve as pallbearers if desired.

Who is eligible for Military Funeral Honors?

  • Active duty military members or those in the Selected Reserve.
  • Former members of the military who served on active duty, provided they were not dishonorably discharged at the end of their service.
  • Former military members who finished a minimum of one enlistment term or period of initial obligated service in the Selected Reserves and were not dishonorably discharged.
  • Former military members who were discharged from the Selected Reserves because of a disability resulting from or aggravated by serving in the line of duty.

How do I establish veteran eligibility?

Generally the DD Form 214, the Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, is required to establish a veteran’s eligibility for military funeral honors. If you do not have the DD Form 214 you can apply for one online here or by filling out the Standard Form 180. If you are unable to get the DD Form 214, you may provide copies of any discharge documents that show the veteran was discharged under any conditions other than dishonorably.

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